Types of Sentences

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Types of Sentences

Types of Sentences

On average, people speak approximately 7,000 words daily. But speaking is more than words; it’s about the use of different types of sentences and how they are constructed to convey a specific message.

Sentences come in both written and spoken forms, each with its own purpose and distinctive structure.

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Awareness and understanding that different types of sentences have a distinctive structure depending on the sentences’ purpose lead to the following questions for those who want to perfect their spoken as well as written English. These are; What are the different types of sentences in English? What purpose do they serve and how do they operate? It is essential to know these answers if you want to improve your writing abilities and make your speeches more insightful, purposeful, and impactful – particularly as a student! That is why FastNursingHelp research paper-writing assistance has created an extensive guide on different types of sentences and characteristics.

What are the four different types of sentences in English?

English recognizes four basic types of sentences according to their purpose:

  • Declarative sentences are used when making a statement or asking someone a question,
  • Interrogative ones provide instructions or commands.
  • Imperatives can also be employed in order to convey information or direct someone in doing something (i.e., giving someone instructions; or providing direction); All commands, wishes, entreaties and requests fall under imperative sentences.
  • Exclamatory types of sentences can be used to express emotion (e.g. surprise). Each different type of sentence requires different punctuation marks depending on its purpose; when writing or speaking aloud, each uses distinct intonations in order to emphasize their message more effectively.

The chart below provides a concise overview of each type and their key characteristics, provided by our dissertation-writing services.

Type of sentence Its Purpose End Punctuation Mark Example
Declarative Create a statement (. ) Full stop I am a student


Ask a question (?) Question Mark Are you also studying here?


Give instructions (.) Full stop Welcome new students!


Express an affirmation


(! ) Exclamation Mark What an amazing place for students!



To take your writing skills to the next level, be sure to check out our “GUIDE TO PUNCTUATION “.

Once you understand the concept, let us take a closer look at each type of sentence.

Declarative Types of Sentences

What exactly is a declarative sentence, you might ask? This type of phrase has one purpose: to make an assertion. This category can apply to any statement that informs us of something, regardless of its type or content (whether factual or theoretical). What matters most is that it declares something.

These sentences have the following word order:

Subject + Verb + Object… = When speaking of subjects and objects, the subject is typically a noun or pronoun (person or thing), and the object usually follows suit. A verb describes an action taken or state of being, while an object could be any word (or combination of words) affected by the verb.

Example: A girl (subject) lost (verb), her beloved doll (object).

Example 2: The sun(subject) is (verb) the largest member of the solar system(object).

Declarative sentences must always be concluded with a period. Descriptive types can be divided into two categories: positive and negative, depending on whether your statement is affirmative or critical in nature.

Positive versus Negative types of declarative sentences

  • Jessica enjoys history lectures.
  • Jessica dislikes history lectures.
  • He is proud to be a part of an elite football squad.
  • He does not play for a football club.

Declarative sentences are the most frequently used type of sentence when conveying information, both orally and in writing. Additionally, declarative sentences have a prominent place in academic papers, documents and dialogues.

Interrogative Types of Sentences

What exactly is an interrogative sentence and how is it different from a declarative one? An interrogative seeks information, while a declarative shares it. According to the interrogative sentence definition, any sentence asking a question falls into this category; it will always end with a question mark for clarification.

Interrogative sentences differ from other types of sentences in that they employ a distinct order of words: (wh-word, how) + auxiliary verb + Subject.

Example: Where is (wh-word), (auxiliary verb), Kate (subject).

Interrogative sentences are no different from other kinds of sentences in that they can either be positive or negative. Here are some examples of interrogatives with both positive and negative answers.

Positive versus Negative Types of interrogative sentences

  • Does Jessica enjoy history lectures?
  • Doesn’t Jessica enjoy history lectures?
  • Did he ever play for a football team or not?
  • He did not play for a football team.

Interrogative types of sentences can be employed in many places. They tend to be versatile and may be employed in different contexts, from narrative essays to persuasive essays (e.g., “Did You Know…?”).? Writing academic papers requires complex questions which may not always make sense if the topic at hand is complex enough for readers to comprehend; interrogative statements often serve to encourage thought or reinforce an author’s point of view (e.g., “Did You Know…”).?

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Imperative Types of Sentences

What is an imperative sentence? These expressions serve to instruct or give commands. At the end of these imperative sentences, an exclamation mark or period can be used for emphasis.

Implicit sentences differ from other types in their word order and format. Implicit sentences typically lack a subject, speaking directly to the reader or recipient (if it’s written text). They usually consist of one main verb plus any supporting details.

These sentences can be either positive or negative. Here are some examples of imperative sentences to help you get the idea.

Positive versus Negative Imperative types of sentences

Pass history classes!

Do not pass history classes.

Join a football team.

Do not join a football club.

Implicit sentences can be employed in oral speech or writing to encourage readers to take action. They act as a motivational tool that encourages them to do so.

Exclamatory Types of Sentences

What is an exclamatory phrase? This last type of sentence expresses strong emotion of surprise and ends with an exclamatory mark.

Here are a few examples of basic order words that might appear in these sentences:

  • What (+ adjective) + noun+ subject + verb
  • How (+ adjectival/adverb + subject + verb

For instance: what beautiful weather (subject), or how generously you (verb), are.

Exclamatory sentences differ from other types in that they can be written either positively or negatively. Here are examples of exclamatory sentences in both positive and negative forms.

  • This painting is truly amazing!
  • I feel terrible!
  • What an incredible idea to surprise him with a party!
  • How enjoyable it was!

Exclamatory sentences are powerful expressions of emotion that aim to elicit similar responses in readers. Unfortunately, they’re usually not appropriate for academic papers. Exclamatory sentences can help make your narrative or descriptive essay more vivid, as well as convey the appropriate feelings. Put differently, The four types of English Sentences whether in written or spoken forms, have their own purpose and distinctive structure.

Additional Tips on Variety

How does one create the ideal writing style? While some may consider having a strong vocabulary essential, others might not. Others might suggest including lots of details in your piece is key; or the number of ideas, examples and arguments used. Ultimately though, variety is the key to literary mastery – so make sure your style reflects this fact!

Here’s our top tip to enhance your writing: Incorporate more variety. This may seem complicated at first, but once you gain a better understanding of each type of sentence, experimenting with them becomes much simpler.

Here are the top tips for effectively using various types of sentences in your writing.

1. Use a question as an engaging hook to compel readers to continue reading.

A great way to do this is by including one at the start of your introduction, such as “Have you ever considered the benefits school uniforms can bring students?”

2. Use imperative sentences for effective guidance.

A command that is clearly stated and delivered with a friendly tone will have an enormous effect on the reader’s attention.

Examples: “Uniforms in schools can be a controversial issue. While some support the idea, others are sceptical. Research has demonstrated that uniforms offer more benefits than drawbacks – so be ready to change your mind!”

3. You can experiment with word order.

While we’ve provided some fundamental formulas to create sentences in this article, not every sentence needs to follow the “subject + verb” pattern. Sometimes, shifting up the order of your words can add nuance and enhance your text’s quality.

Example: Subscribe to receive an email message containing this message.

4. Sum up key points by asking a question.

Interrogative sentences can also be used at the beginning or end of paragraphs to give readers an overview of your thoughts.

For instance, “What was the outcome of a study about uniforms?” We’ll be exploring this topic further in-depth later on.

This strategy will enable you to create a smoother transition from one paragraph to another.

5. Use Different Structure.

Although most writing tips are straightforward, it’s worth adding some variety to your text. Writers use this trick to keep their readers engaged. You can alternate between simple, complex, and intricate constructions within each paragraph; doing so can significantly improve readability as it becomes tedious to read the same sentences repeatedly.

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