peer reply DB c

I have been working in the medical field for almost 20 years. Since then I have been trying my best to work upon and improve one of my weakness, and that is my shy nature. I understood that my weakness can be an obstacle in making relationships among my colleagues and clients. I find it very hard to initiate talks with colleagues, patients or relatives other than communication pertaining to work or patient information. I have sought help and have definitely improved than before, but I think I still have a long way to go.Workplace conflict is inevitable when employees of various backgrounds and different work styles are brought together for a shared business purpose. I once had a conflict with a patient when I tried to comfort him by expressing my views of faith healing, which clearly contrasted with his. The situation had escalated for a while, but me and manager intervened by explaining and understanding his point of view and perspective towards the situation.I am a foreign medical graduate. I practiced critical care medicine in India for five years before migrating to the USA. As I was unable to obtain residency in spite of all efforts, I chose to do nursing and continue to pursue my passion of serving and healing the needy people. I also love learning and gaining deeper education and knowledge pertaining to medicine, hence I decided to advanced nurse practice studies. I am surely looking forward to do my doctorate in nursing in the future.References:Epstein, N., & Stecker, M. M. (2015). Analysis of inter-provider conflicts among healthcare providers. Surgical neurology international, 4(Suppl 5), S375–S382.