Healthcare Economics HW

HERE IS A LINK TO THE PDF VERSION OF THE TEXTBOOK: WHEN NAVIGATING TO THE LINK THERE WILL BE A OPTION THAT SAYS “GET”. PLEASE HIT THAT TO DOWNLOAD THE BOOK TO LOCATE EACH DISCUSSION QUESTION AT THE END OF CHAPTER 1: Exercises at the end of chapter 1:1.1—Please write 4 paragraphs with each paragraph containing 45-55 words.1.2—Please write 4 paragraphs with each paragraph containing 45-55 words.1.5—Please write 4 paragraphs with each paragraph containing 45-55 words.Please note that you will have to complete 1.3 to be able to answer 1.5.Please do not include your calculations from—Please write 4 paragraphs with each paragraph containing 45-55 words.Please note that you will have to complete 1.7a & 1.7b to be able to answer 1.7c.Please do not include your calculations from 1.7a or 1.7b.1.7d—Please write 4 paragraphs with each paragraph containing 45-55 words.Please note that you will have to complete 1.7a & 1.7b to be able to answer 1.7d.Please do not include your calculations from 1.7a or 1.7b.