Developing your project scope

Reading Time: 3 minutes

  • You have been hired to lead a project (the project of your choice). As the project manager, you know it is important to get the project off to a good start. Using the tools provided in the required readings, provide a quick summary of your project, including the scope and objectives of your project. Be sure to include a high-level WBS for your project.
  • After posting your response, respond to at least one (1) of your classmates on any recommendations to their project.

Here is an example and another students discussion that will need responded to:

Hello class and professor I hope you all had a wonderful weekend:

Project Name: Relaunch of Cassie Ageless Make-Up

Project Description: Reach New Customer’s,Research Area, New Products

Project Scope: Internal and External areas will both be used to make sure we secure and lock down our new customer base to regain the trust of our new make-up line, new and improved organic products and sources. Search for a better way to offer our community more services and effectively promote the 4P’s to our customer’s.

Project Objectives: Why is there a need for this Relaunch? We want to make sure to gain the respect and confidence that we once had with our customer base, who were proudly using Cassie’s Ageless Make-Up. We would like for the community that previously supported of product, to now know that we have mad drastic improvements to our new lines. We have removed all of the unhealthy toxins that were based in our products and successfully add Organic mixtures. This was done to assure our customer that our new and improved products were now safe and reliable. We have put together a training courses for our employees so they can actual learn and test on why its more important to sell Organic and all natural products. This is not only for our very own employees who actual was using or products but for our community as well. We also have relaunched the new idea of being more competitive with the market and finding out what our competitors are doing to keep their customer base so loyal.

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WBS- Cassies Ageless Make-Up

Level Hierarchical BREAKDOWN Description

1. 1. Project- Cassie’s Make-Up Relaunch

2. 2 . Deliverable(tangible/intangible items) Major Deliverables

3. 3. Sub-Deliverables Supporting Del.

4. 4. Lowest sub-deliverables Lowest management

5. 5. Cost Accounts Work packages for


6. Work Packages ID work activities

The textbook teaches us the following:

1.Deliverables/Sub-deliverables– This phase is a measurable output of the lifespan of your project, take for instance your deliverables may be in the early design phase at this point, this is where you as a PM list all your specifications.The 2nd phase could be where you would place all of your software coding IT manuals.Next could be the prototype and than the final phase which will considered to be test and possible approve your software.

2. Milestones– This phase only shows you the the most crucial segments of your work as well as progress.

3.Limits/Exclusions-This is where you limits of your Porject should be carefully defined so that not time will be wasted and no mistakes should be made, fail to deliver this expectation will result in loss of time and false reporting to your client.Exclusion is just what it means this is the point you let you clients know whats all excluded or not included in your project.

4. Follow-up with your customer/client– This is the phase where you sit down and let your customer/client know the checklist of the project, what resources you had to get, you want to make sure in this phase that your client understand and agrees with how things are going and there are no miscommunication or any mis-leading.

When using a WBS this will help us as PM’s to make sure that all products and work elements are visible enough to show the organization.Having a good WBS is making sure that the PM’s have a good outline of their project, that will show different stages and phases of details. Nevertheless, as a PM you will need to make sure that your WBS has a certain time limit and budget, so you can plan,schedule and keep a good eye on your cost so you can have a successful Project.