3 Questions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Right click and save the Red Tomato Demo to your hard drive.

Using the original data in the file, what happened to inventory and stockouts over the six periods of the planning horizon?

2. Right click and save the Red Tomato Demo for Example 1 to your hard drive.

What happened to stockouts as demand fluctuation increased? What happened to profits? What did you learn from this exercise?

3. Right click and save the Red Tomato Demo for Example 2 to your hard drive.

What happened to the use of subcontractors as holding costs increased? What happened to profits? What did you learn from this exercise?

Note: Use the “Solver” capability under the ”Tools” menu for the above three exercises.

*Note on using the “Solver” Add-In:The Solver Add-in is an Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel. To use it in Excel, however, you need to load it first. You should have completed doing so in Module 3.